10 Dec 2015

Circle in the Water: Arts Festival Day 2 – WISWalk & Carnival

There was disappointment all around as West Island School’s triennial WISWalk was called off due to weather concerns yesterday. The walk is aimed at collecting funds for the many charities supported by the Service Committee including Crossroads, Vision First, Street Sleepers of Kowloon and Food Angel.

However, the mood of the school was lifted once the carnival started. Food from outside vendors were bought in and the PTA set up a stall which sold a variety of snacks.

In the Sports Hall, Dynasty students set up numerous activities and games including basketball dunking and pin the nose on the Rudolph. Various popular West Island bands performed current hits which had the audience roaring with approval. The carnival-like atmosphere had students in better spirits despite the winter monsoon.

For pictures to day 2, click here