30 Oct 2015

28th West Island School Scout Group – October Update

Investiture of our new Scouts
This term we had 18 new Scouts joined the group. On 14 October these Scouts made their Scout Promise in front of all other Scouts at our inauguration ceremony. Thank you to the parents who came to watch the ceremony.

4First Aid Certificate
Our Year 13 Venture Scouts went on the UK full First Aid & CPR & AED course in September. Well done to Sean Seow, Hugh Lee-Paterson and Lucy Ross who passed the course. They have received the full First Aid Certificate which is valid for three years. All our Scout leaders went on the same course and are all fully qualified First Aiders. Well done to the leaders!

On 11 October, the Scouts attended the Island Scout Day which was held at the police college next to Ocean Park. Many Scouts from all over Hong Kong Island gathered to attend a ceremony and participate in activities together. The event organiser, Hong Kong Scout Island Region, asked the Scout Groups to collect the food for St James Settlement and Tung Wah Hospital Group’s food banks. These two charities distribute these cans of food to the people in Hong Kong who desperately need basic daily food. Our Scout Group donated about 400 instant noodles and we hope these helped many people.

6Visit to 3D museum
On 4 November, the Scouts visited 3D Visual Museum in Repulse Bay to work towards their Scout photography badge. We had a great time taking fun pictures at the museum.