Principal’s Message
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,
’Your students are amazing!’ ‘Your students were articulate and really passionate about their school.’ ’We were very impressed with the students who showed us around; they were very proud of their school.’
This week we held our annual open day which took place on Thursday. As usual we invited current and potential parents to tour the building, view learning and visit facilities.
40 Year 9 and Year 10 volunteer students of WIS accompanied the tour groups to answer questions about the school and to help parents to understand our mission and vision.
Some parents then stayed for the whole school assembly where we considered the idea of GRIT and GROWTH which are key themes for the year in terms of learning. Students spoke on the theme, we had performances from students across year groups and the new Dynasty leaders for each dynasty were announced.
I was very proud to be approached by visitors with some of the comments above which reflect so well on our student population and attitude.
The concept of GRIT we are focussing on this year as a school theme is based on research by Angela Duckworth (click here) and on research also on Growth Mindset by Carole Dweck (click here) These researchers have spent years looking at learning and success to value the concept of students learning through error, through tenacity for long term goals and through a belief they can achieve. Please do follow the links to find out more and talk about this with your child.