Principal’s Message
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,
I hope the week started well with the Monday holiday for Lantern Festival; certainly one of the hottest full moon celebrations I can remember in Hong Kong.
This week was a short one for us as a school with two public holidays falling in the same week which is unusual as well as the ESF wide CPD day on Friday held this year at Renaissance College and at KGV. We have 5 CPD days in total on top of the number of days we have for term time which is stipulated by Education Bureau in Hong Kong. We appreciate the effect can be disruptive for parents but we try to group these days together to enable family breaks as and when possible rather than one off days so to speak. ESF reviews this annually.
As the term progresses a number of events are being planned so please do keep checking your calendar and the school weekly bulletin. A crucial one is the annual Horizons Week which is a massive whole school undertaking. Please be reminded that payment is now due for this from all students; we have insurance to follow up on and without full payment it is hard to insure the named students on a trip as payment etc does need to come in to cover this aspect. Thank you.