5 May 2016


Dear Parents, 

I am writing to inform you of the Digital Literacy Days that we will be running at West Island School for three days from Monday 30 May to Wednesday 1 June 2016 inclusive, these days are calendared as Day 0s.

West Island School’s Digital Literacy Days will involve all students in Years 7, 8, 9, and 10.  

Between these dates the usual school’s usual timetable will be suspended, the days will start with registration as usual at 08:15 and finish at 15:15.  Please note there will be NO collapsed day on Monday 30th May, this day will also finish at 15:15.

Instead of the normal timetabled lessons, students will spend their time focused in individual faculties undertaking faculty oriented, highly technical, digitally based project activities.  These activities have been carefully planned and developed by a specialist technology teachers based in each of the participating faculties.

The aim of these days is to deepen students’ subject knowledge in that faculty area whilst at the same time allowing students to use digital tools to create artefacts that would be impossible due to time constraints during a normal timetabled day.

West Island School’s Digital Literacy Days have been in planning for a year.  The faculty technology specialists have not only developed the resources that will be used during these days, they have also been tasked with training faculty staff involved in the delivery and use of these digital tools.

Digital Literacy Days will move us closer to West Island School’s Digital Vision of using digital technologies to enable opportunities for greater active student learning that is valued, connected, and progressive.

Please feel free to follow the Digital Literacy Days on social media using #diglit2016 hopefully you will get the opportunity to “like” your child’s work and activities and share them amongst your connections.

For your information I have included a table below of the faculties involved with this project indicating which year group will be working in which faculty during the Digital Literacy Days.



If you have any questions regarding the Digital Literacy Days please don’t hesitate to email me at hugh.brown@wis.edu.hk

Best Regards, 

Hugh Brown
Learning Technology Coordinator