Principal’s Message
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,
A key school aim is for our community to take action for collective wellbeing, sustainable development and shared guardianship of the planet – it looks like we are in good hands thanks to WIS students.
Tang and Yuan Dynasty Day was a real success for both the school and Bethune House. Dressed for Halloween, we were treated to colour, horror, singing and cakes at the end of last week. Students raised over $25 000 and more importantly, the gratitude from taking action for our collective wellbeing. The funds will support 30 women in Bethune’s two refuges for the next month. Well done WIS students!
Dynasty continued with the finals of Star Search on Tuesday. Poetry, singing, dancing, groups and individuals brought the auditorium to life with an abundance of WIS spirit. Keeping us going for the last few weeks, we eagerly awaited these finals, and to learn that Han was the overall winner saw the audience bursting into applause. The whole event was brilliantly organised by Natasha and Anthea. I didn’t get the chance to praise them during the finals as we had to get back to lessons but I really want to give them a huge shout out here for making sure lower school students have had such a great time. Grateful to you both.
It was fitting to then be listening to another celebration of friendship and fun when I listened to the WIS singers who participated in a master class held at City Hall last week. Their performance of ‘Lean on Me’ was joyful to watch and listen to. Singing is definitely a way of looking after your own wellbeing.
Thursday saw a group of student leaders raising our community’s awareness as we took part in WHO’s mental health day to think about signs, symptoms and help seeking behaviours we want to encourage in our community.
And finally, marine biologist Dr Austin Gallagher has visited us as part of the Royal Geographical Society lecture series to share his important work about the preservation of sharks and life beneath the water.
A great half term ending at just the right moment for us to rest and gather ourselves. Today I was working with students to think about what we can be grateful for – pause and take a moment to think about that for yourself. From the ordinary to the special, everything is a gift if we take time to just stop and notice.
It is with great sadness that I am not able to join the Diwali celebrations this year due to a training course I am attending overseas but there will be a few surprises to make sure I am with you in spirit.
In advance, enjoy the ball when it comes and all that our children have prepared for you – they are extraordinary.
Christopher Sammons
Coming up:
Half Term Break: Monday 15 October
School Resumes: Monday 22 October
Diwali Ball: 23-24 October
Year 7 Parents’ Evening: Tuesday 30 October
Year 11 Revision Skills & Wellbeing Evening: Thursday November 1
Terry Fox Run: Saturday 3 November