26 Jun 2019

Holiday Fitness Training Advice

The holiday period is an ideal time to develop your cardiovascular fitness. By returning to WIS aerobically fit, you will have more energy, fatigue less quickly and will have a head start on your competitors both physically and academically.  Exercise is food for the brain! Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory and thinking skills

Key considerations in any training plan:

Irrespective of age, gender or ability certain general principles apply:

  1. Training needs to be meaningful~train specifically for your goal/event ie be able to run 10 mins without stopping, make the WIS cross country team
  2. Set realistic and achievable personal targets 
  3. Modify your training if you are unwell (or injured) 
  4. Quality of training is always more important than quantity
  5. Keep a simple training diary noting distances/times/reps
  6. Include adequate Rest and Recovery 

Often the best approach to  any sort of training is to keep it simple. You have to fit training around family, work, education and social constraints. Below you will find links to a variety of running programmes that can be modified to suit your individual needs and circumstances. There are also links to great fitness, swimming and yoga websites that will enable you to develop your speed, strength, power and flexibility. 

Running (cardiovascular fitness) No matter where you are in the world, you can always go for a run☺. 

nike training plans

runners world training plans

cool running training plans

pace calculator

Useful websites for fitness training , swimming and yoga:


Fitness blender

12 minute athlete

swimming training

You Tube: The Body Coach HIIT Workouts

If you want to represent WIS in a Sports Team in 2019/20 then you owe it to yourself and your teammates to have a good level of fitness when you return in August. Set targets and plan your holiday training.

Remember…Champions are made when no one is watching. 

Please contact a member of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport if you have any questions.