12 Apr 2016

ID Student Insight: Amane Kabbaj

Within the WIS ID program, I am taking BTEC Business major and BTEC Sports & Exercise Science minor. In addition I take IB HL French and Math Studies. My BTEC subjects consists of practical tasks, as well as written coursework. I have really managed to develop my presentation skills, communication, teamwork and time management skills through the variety of assessment methods used in my coursework.

In Business, we have studied different types of businesses, which led to us creating a comprehensive business proposal for our own idea. We have also been assessed in events management, where we had to work as a team to plan, run and evaluate event success. This was the unit that really allowed development of my leadership skills. I didn’t have a lot of experience leading groups but through this unit, I ran meetings (we all took turns in each role) and found it really gave me confidence when communicating and organising my peers. We have been on several trips including one to an advertising agency where we were set a brief to create a promotional campaign for Nestle drumsticks.

In Sports Science, there is a lot of practical work. We learn about the Psychology, Physiology, Anatomy, Body Systems, the sport itself, as well as teaching sport and First Aid. The teachers really push us to take risks and I really enjoy the lessons.

In Year 12, I spent 2 weeks at Ocean Park’s zoology section for my work experience. This is a compulsory part of the ID programme, which is extremely rewarding and useful for our future.

Taking BTEC subjects means I really have to manage my time effectively especially when I had big projects from BTEC, IB and CAS all at the same time. I know from friends and family who are older, that university consists of juggling a lot of activities and work at the same time and the ID course really helps prepare you for your future. This is why I chose ID; because of its practicality and demand for commitment. It has been an overall very valuable and enjoyable experience.