Kings of the Concrete 2016
The annual Kings of the Concrete Volleyball Tournament took place on Saturday 11 December at Island School following a 20 year + history of hosting the event. After the retirement of Derek Bailey form Island School the large shoes and long legacy was left down to a team of West Island School staff to keep the historic tournament going. This year saw over 100 players (teams consisted of 4 players or more) take part from all schools around Hong Kong in a day long competition of volleyball. Following the blue print left over from Bails the day ran smoothly with digs, sets and of course spikes echoing around the Island School blocks. A fantastic day of volleyball for all ages and a great atmosphere under the sunny skies.
A new venue will have to be found for next years tournament with Island School being reconstructed, perhaps a complete move to WIS is on the cards?
Well done to everyone from WIS who took part (WIS was represented by 4 separate teams, alumni and the only all staff team) and we look forward to carrying on the tradition of the tournament for many years to come.