4 Mar 2016

March 2016 Credits Update

We are now three months into the new WIS Credits System and things are hotting up between the Dynasties. Students have been working hard and have been awarded for their efforts; students are awarded Faculty, Dynasty or CAS Credits.

Currently, students are being particularly recognised for their self management, communication and thinking skills. Girls overall are slightly outperforming boys with a total of 2396 Credits achieved; the boys are not far behind with a total of 2300 Credits.

10682339_780542545383247_6893948142678214004_oCurrent Dynasty Standings – March 2016
HAN: 934
YUAN: 854
SONG: 797
MING: 754
TANG: 698
QING: 659

With several Inter-Dynasty Sports Events taking place currently and more opportunities to be awarded a Credit, there is still much to play for. The Dynasty Cup is a much coveted trophy and only the hardest working Dynasty deserves such an accolade. Who is it going to be? Get those Credits.

Next update – April 2016.