Principal’s Message
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of WIS,
Welcome back to the second half of the term; I do trust you had a good break with your family.
Over the half term, a number of events took place. Firstly, congratulations to Blake Harding, Head of Year 8 and PE teacher, who completed the Cross Harbour swimming race which raised $20,000 for the Breast Cancer Foundation. He is a superb role model for our students in terms of ‘Action and Service’ within our community.
Our Sedan Chair race team came second in their category on The Peak on Sunday morning raising money for a variety of charities supported by the Matilda Hospital. They ran the route in 11 minutes and overtook a number of adult teams on their run. Our thanks to Guy Hewson, Director of Learning Pre 16, for his training regime. The students showed true GRIT as they soldiered on despite losing two team members just before the race to injury and illness. They did themselves and us proud.
Our Tournament of the Minds Social Sciences team returned from Sydney with great accolades. This tournament pushes students thinking and our team was asked to come up with an item which they felt would have changed history if it did not exist. They chose the poppy which has obvious implications for the Opium War and the ways in which China and the West developed trade. My thanks to Emily Clark and Chris Head for giving up part of their half-term and accompanying the team on their tournament.
We are looking forward to the term and the opportunities for learning this gives our students inside and outside of the classroom. We have our school play, the Diwali Ball and the School Gala Concert with an added Christmas Fair later this term to anticipate in particular.
Additionally, our new WIS website will be launched soon. Notices, daily events and polices will be accessible via WISDOM. The website will be more of a portal to the outside world from the launch onwards.