Special Mention: Nikhil Kurian
It is with great WIS pride that we congratulate Year 7 student, Nikhil Kurian, who earned High Honors in the 2015-2016 Academic Talent Search conducted by Johns Hopkins University’s Centre for Talented Youth (JHUCTY). Each year more than 30,000 students sign up for the talent test and Nikhil’s results have been deemed as “outstanding” even compared to the very select group of students who entered the Talent Search this year. He is among the 20 percent of students who achieve scores at this level.
Nikhil will also be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony in spring. He is also eligible to participate in all of JHU CTY’s programmes including the summer camps, a prestigious event.
A big congratulations to him and we are sure he will do represent WIS well at the Awards Ceremony later this year.