WIS at HKYWA 2018
The road to this year’s Hong Kong Young Writers Award finals began in September when 18 talented writers from WIS participated in workshops to plan and create their writing.
The theme for this year was New Journeys to the West, inspired by the Adventures of the Monkey King. Of the 18 writers, 10 were selected as this year’s WIS finalists. Their wonderful work was externally judged and four students made it to the final selection. Students from Year 11, Year 8 (Gayathri Eyunni), Year 9 (Leia Green) and Year 13 (Kenton Lai) represented WIS in the awards ceremony held at The Arcade, Cyberport. Of these finalists, it was Gayathri who won the Fiction Group 3 category with her story ‘The Second Journey‘. Her story has been published in the HKYWA 2018 anthology and a copy will be available in the WIS 2018 Yearbook.
Congratulations to Gayathri and all the students involved in this process. It is a joy to work with these students and see them engaged in creative writing.
Mr Walker