WIS Scouts Hike to Mount Stenhouse on Lamma Island
Well done to the following Scouts who came to Saturday’s hike and managed to hike through the deep bushes and rocky hills:
The weather was fantastic, and both Scouts and leaders enjoyed the hike very much, despite the deep undergrowth over the path, which slowed us down, and delayed our return.
Thank you very much to our leaders Hong Tran, Brian Sung, Alfred Tang – as you know we are all volunteers, so much appreciated your efforts!
Also thank you to parents Judy Lam, Geoff & Emma Galbraith, Simon Lambon, Mrs Yang, and everyone else – sorry if I didn’t mention your name! Nevertheless your help and support is much appreciated!
To all parents – Thank you for your support to send your son or daughter to the hike!
James Ross
Acting Group Scout Leader