Year 9 Personal Project Exhibition
As part of the Learning for Life course, Year 9 students completed the Personal Project. The Year 9 Personal Project is an inquiry based investigation where the students choose their own topic and questions to research in great depth. The topics chosen by students ranged from nuclear power to cryptocurrency. The students develop their Approaches to
Learning skills with a focus on research, self management and thinking skills. This week, students engaged in a much anticipated celebration of their learning where they presented their findings and unique outcomes to the West Island Community. Parents, teachers, other West Island School students as well as Year 6 students from Kennedy School were invited to the exhibition. Many of our guests were in awe of the in-depth investigations that the students undertook. They were truly ‘experts’ in their chosen area of interest.
The atmosphere during the presentations was exciting and vibrant. Everyone was engaged in the wonderful presentations and the creative displays the students had put together. The scope of work was nothing short of impressive.
Well done Year 9!
The Learning for Life Team
Photos from the exhibition can be viewed here.